What is RamseyTrusted?
In Dave Ramsey’s words:
When you bump up against some of the more serious things in life, like selling your house, you don’t want to screw it up. But how in the world are you supposed to find professional help you can actually trust when the marketplace has gotten so loaded with crooks.
Our answer: RamseyTrusted.
RamseyTrusted is a place for folks to easily connect with top-notch, principled service providers so that the next time you need reliable help you’ll know exactly where to find it. No fear, no fumbling in the dark looking for recommendations. Just gold standard Ramsey-style professional help.
Dave Ramsey ELP and RamseyTrusted Explained
If you’ve known about Ramsey Solutions-aka Dave Ramsey-for very long at all, you’re probably familiar with our Ramsey ELP (Endorsed Local Providers) program. Back in the uphill-both-ways, barefoot-in-the-snow days of The Dave Ramsey Show, when folks called in with tough real estate and money situations, it didn’t seem right to just cut them loose and hope for the best after they’d come to us for advice. So Dave and his team started building a network of pros who knew their stuff and who shared Ramsey values.
That humble start has grown into a network of nearly 5,000 top-notch tax, insurance and real estate pros in every state, plus national advertisers we rely on to serve you with products that protect what you’ve built and who you love. That’s a crackerjack place to be, but it’s not the finish line for us. Because you know what?
Excellence doesn’t have a finish line.
Now those local providers and our national partners are united under the carefully constructed umbrella of RamseyTrusted. That means:
- They’ll all go through the same thorough RamseyTrusted vetting process
- Theyll participate in the same ongoing RamseyTrusted coaching
- They’ll be subject to the same RamseyTrusted scoring based on our expectations for serving you
It’s about consistency. But what is consistency, really? Example time: Think about your favorite restaurant. Got it in your head? You’ve been there at least a few times. Maybe you always order the same thing, maybe not, but it’s always delicious and you get top-notch service every time. You know how to order, who you pay, and whether you need to get there early on a Friday evening if you want a table.
That’s consistency. It’s knowing you can go in with high expectations and leave happy, and it goes a heckuva long way toward establishing a trust-based relationship. RamseyTrusted ratchets up the consistency so you can trust our service.
Where RamseyTrusted Began
The services that are all part of RamseyTrusted came from our conviction that when good, hardworking people (that’s you) need professional help with necessary life stuff, like investing for retirement, they should be able to get it. And they should be able to feel confident about it—not worried that they’re going to get scammed and hung out to dry.
But that’s not the reality out in the business world, so folks are either spinning their wheels looking for recommendations, or they’re trying to do things on their own—things they shouldn’t be doing alone!
Trying to find professional help for all the things . . . it’s a time-sucking, hand-me-the-ibuprofen experiment in adulting. And that’s the problem RamseyTrusted exists to help you solve.
How Do You Know a Pro Is RamseyTrusted Material?
In 20-plus years of building our network of providers, we’ve learned some things, like:
- It’s worth it to do the work on the front end to weed out the bozos and whittle your list down to only professionals you know you can trust.
- Trust isn’t something that just gets earned once and kept forever. It’s earned and then maintained day in and day out.
Thorough Vetting: They all go through layers of safety nets
We won’t sugarcoat it: We put our pros through the freaking wringer before they ever start their first day of work with us. It’s not just one interview or phone call. Like the old canary in a coal mine, our leaders and coaches put their finely tuned radars to the test, and if things don’t check out—it’s a no. So when pros make it, you know they’ve got chops. And you know they want to serve you.
Ongoing Coaching in Ramsey Teachings
Our coaches have regularly scheduled coaching sessions with our pros, helping them to keep pursuing that missional, heart-of-a-teacher, reliable mindset that RamseyTrusted stands for. And the group coaching sessions connect successful RamseyTrusted Providers so they can inspire each other and share what’s working for them.
The Ramsey Score
The coaches who interact with our pros assess and update their Ramsey Scores regularly based on the values we’re looking for in our providers. And that score tells our Ramsey Team which providers may need a little more support and which ones are out there bringing their A-game for you every day.
RamseyTrusted Fan Feedback
Unfiltered feedback helps everybody involved—Ramsey Solutions, our fans, and the pros—because we know our Ramsey fans. You’re savvy and you’ve got high expectations (our hearts swell with pride). So we’ll make it easy for you to tell us how things are going with your RamseyTrusted experience.
How You’ll Know a Provider Is RamseyTrusted
When providers become a part of our RamseyTrusted program, they get the privilege and responsibility of using our shield. And that shield means something. It’s a symbol of our commitment to fight for our customers and to put serving over selling. It’s not just a slick piece of graphic design people can download and use just for paying their monthly membership fees.
To be clear, even a mission-hearted business is a business. We support our RamseyTrusted pros in their marketing, client relationships, and more, and our pros pay for those services—that’s why we can afford to bring you a world-class program at no cost to you. But the shield and the RamseyTrusted status cannot be bought. Providers who want to work with us will earn our trust and yours, day in and day out. It’s nonnegotiable. Lose our trust, lose the shield. Simple as that.
In Steve’s words:
How am I different from other Realtors? That’s the question! I drank the kool-aid when it comes to Dave. I’m also a Dave Ramsey Certified Financial Coach, a Licensed Builder, Real Estate Investor and an Associate Broker. I am in the top 5% of realtors in Southeast Michigan, and in the top 2% in my office of 190+ Realtors. I am also a member of the Associate Leadership Counsel with Keller Williams Realty. My team and I continually strive to improve our service and systems on a weekly basis. Our goal is to give every client a great real estate experience that includes education and resources. I’m really a simple guy that likes watching movies with my family, exercising, martial arts, hockey and building things! I’m married to my wonderful wife with 5 great kids and a growing number of grand babies. We belong to a great church where we started and facilitated FPU.
- Baby Step: On Baby Step 6
- Ramsey Books Read: Business Boutique, Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money, EntreLeadership, Financial Peace, Love Your Life Not Theirs, Retire Inspired, Everyday Millionaires, Smart Money Smart Kids, The Legacy Journey, The Total Money Makeover, Debt Free Degree, Redefining Anxiety, The Proximity Principle, Start
- Classes Graduated From: Financial Peace University
- Classes Coordinated: Financial Peace University, Smart Money Smart Kids
- Live Events Attended: Attended 6 live events
A RamseyTrusted pro is a local professional that is backed by personal money management expert and radio personality, Dave Ramsey, and held to a high standard of excellence. When you work with me and The Moore Team as your RamseyTrusted pro, you can expect a top real estate professional who uses his experience and knowledge to make your home buying or selling experience as stress-free as possible - and always keeps your financial goals in mind. The Moore Team views clients as much more than a sale and holds the highest value on relationships. You can expect a realtor that truly listens to you, and takes the time to get to personally know you to make the best recommendations for your wants, needs and budget. With the heart of a teacher, The Moore Team will be there to guide you through every step of the process.
Buyers and Sellers rate RamseyTrusted agents higher in all six categories that matter most:
- Competency
- Trustworthiness
- Timeliness
- People Skills
- Communication Skills
- Willingness To Go The Extra Mile
As a RamseyTrusted pro:
- I’m here to offer my experience and serve you
As a licensed real estate agent, I will always seek to serve you first and help you understand the buying and selling process for your home. I believe that you should feel confident making this big financial decision, and I genuinely care about your family’s future. - I’m here to make home buying/selling less stressful
I know buying or selling a home can be overwhelming. That’s why I do not want you to do it alone! I am committed to guide you through the process, so you can rest assured you are making the best decisions possible. I will take the time to answer any questions and get your deal done for the right price. - I’m held to a high standard of service
While I do pay a fee to cover program costs, I’ve earned my designation as a RamseyTrusted pro. I am in the top 10% of agents in my area and have years of experience in real estate. I am growth-minded personally and professionally, with a drive to sere others. I am proud to be held to these high standards as a RamseyTrusted pro, and the team at RamseyTrusted is making sure you have a great experience working with me.